Department of Agad Tantra

Dr. Prashant kumar singh
Teaching Assistant & Head of Department
Department was established on 2060 B.S with following vision and mission.
Departmental Vision:
To get recognized in Toxicology, Forensic medicine and Medical Jurispudence through principles and references in Ayurveda at local as well as national level by producing good human resources.
Mission :
- To be an outstanding center of excellence for Ayurveda Toxicology, Forensic medicine and Medical Jurispudence and set the highest standards for education, Research, and Patient Care through Ayurveda and Visha Vigyan for the benefit of humanity.
- Prevention and cure of diseases and promotion of health through the concepts of Dooshivisha (cumulative toxicity), Gara Visha (artificial poisoning), application of Ayurveda principles in case of Sthavara (plant and mineral) poisoning and jangama (animal origin) poisoning cases.
- Application of Agada tantra principles to the treatment of disease resulting from contact poisoning etiology mostly Dermatological disorders.
- Application of concept of Viruddha aahara (incompatible foods), Advesrs Drug reactions for prevention of disease and promotion of health.
- Application of concept of janapadodvamsa (epidemics/ pollution) for prevention of disease and promotion of health.
- Studying Ayurveda concept of Vishaghna dravya (antipoisonous drugs) and Agada (antipoisonous formulations) and their indications.
- To carry out researches related to heavy metal toxicity.
- To explore forensic medicine in collaboration with institutes of modern medical sciences.
- To disseminate knowledge and guidance to Ayurveda fraternity regarding legal, ethical issues in medical juripudence.
- To develop emergency medicine protocol with respect to Ayurveda toxicology.
- Well-developed post graduate department for starting PG in coming years.
- To serve the rural and urban community by spreading awareness and preventive knowledge
- To impart health education to the community people.
- To strengthen the community presentation.
- To continue OPD/ IPD in different areas of health like-preventive , promotive and curative.
Goals & Objectives:
General Objectives
- To maintain health of healthy people which further manages to keep community healthy
- Students learn and deal with Toxicology, introduction, definition of Visha, (poison, types, properties, management, post-mortem findings, medicolegal importances) , gara visha, Dooshivisha, contact poisoning etc.
- Learn about vishaghna drugs and agada formulations.
- In the second part , students learn about medical Jurispudence ( Vaidya vritti, chikitsa chatuspada, pranabhisara and rogabhisara vaidyas etc),legal issues related with practices of medicine, medical ethics, duties of doctor, gets acquainted with governing councils of Ayurveda practices. Learn about judiciary, role of doctor in legal issues and offences like abortion, sexual offences, mental health etc. issuing medical and medicolegal certificates by examination of injuries and health conditions.
- In third part students learn about forensic medicine, medicolegal autopsy and findings.
Specific objectives
- Impart knowledge to society
- Will be able to translate knowledge to practice
- Will be able to co-ordinate in different inter-departmental activities & also with different department in local as well as national level.
- Will be able to identify poisons, poisoning cases and treat them.
- Will be acquainted with medicolegal issues.
- Will be able to carry out autopsy examinations.
- Will be able to enhance research work for safety, efficacy. Quality control and standardization of ayurvedic drugs and formulations.
- To provide hospital based service.
- To explore Poisoning cases at OPD and IPD level.
Departmental Plans, Programs & Strategies
- To provide academic and hospital based services especially in cases related to contact poisoning.
- Co-ordination activity in association with government officials, N.G.O, I.N.G.O.
- Keep in continuation with student and community visit programs.
- Plans – Short term- National level recognition
- Long term – to get engaged in national and international level activities
- To carryout researches on purification, standardization and therapeutic effects of pisonouns and antipoisonous drugs.
- To start short term course of clinical toxicology, Ayurveda cosmetology etc.
Departmental Job Responsibilities:
- Teaching & learning activities
- Practical aspects in Contact Poisoning and other acute and chronic poisoning cases at OPD level.
- To educate at community level about Adverse effects of pesticides, adulterants, incompatible foodscosmetics, occupational hazards, heavy metal poisoning, plant poisons, snake poisoning and other accidental, cumulative and artificial poisoning sources.
- To attract officials by educating them about occupational health hazards
Orientation Activities:
- Towards teachers, officials
- To community, leaders
Contribution in Institutional Growth & Development:
Agada Tantra is one of the eight original clinical branches of Ayurveda. It mostly dealt with toxicology along with the emergency management. The department also serves as the center for providing expert advices related to medicolegal issues.