Department of Roga Nidan Avam Bikriti Vigyan


Dr Sangita Maharjan

Teaching Assistant & Head of Department

Department was  established on 2029 B.S with following vision and mission.

Departmental Vision:
To be an excellence and global leadership in the  field of Ayurveda Research and development by maximizing technology and the  roles of Ayurveda academia in teaching, training, treatment, research,  extension, global promotion and propagation though Ayurveda.


  • To develop Roga Nidana and Vikruthi Vijnana  into a dynamic, vibrant and model research  Department for undertaking, coordinating, aiding and promoting research in  Ayurveda.
  • To bring-up modern scientific knowledge technology  to explore Ayurveda scientific treasure following prevalent scientific methods.
  • To attain global leadership in research for  treatment and prevention of emerging important lifestyle related disease and  health requirement.
  • To disseminate the knowledge of Ayurveda among the  community and worldwide.
  • To carry out the extension, global promotion and  propagation though Ayurveda.  
  • Well-developed  post graduate department for starting PG in coming years.  
  • To  serve the rural and urban community by spreading awareness  and preventive knowledge  
  • To  impart health education to the community people.
  • To  strengthen the community presentation.
  • To  carry out research and development activity for preventive health.
  • To continue OPD/ IPD in  different areas of health like-preventive , promotive and curative.

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