Department of Shalya Tantra

Dr. Bijendra Shah
Teaching Assistant & Head of Department
Department was established on 2029 B.S with following vision and mission.
Departmental Vision:
To be an excellence and global leadership in the field of Ayurveda Research and development by maximizing technology and the roles of Ayurveda academia in teaching, training, treatment, research, extension, global promotion and propagation though Ayurveda.
- To develop Shalya Tantra into a dynamic, vibrant and model research Department for undertaking, coordinating, aiding and promoting research in Ayurveda.
- To bring-up modern scientific knowledge technology to explore Ayurveda scientific treasure following prevalent scientific methods.
- To attain global leadership in research for treatment and prevention of emerging important lifestyle related disease and health requirement.
- To disseminate the knowledge of Ayurveda among the community and worldwide.
- To carry out the extension, global promotion and propagation though Ayurveda.
- Well-developed post graduate department for starting PG in coming years.
- To serve the rural and urban community by spreading awareness and preventive knowledge
- To impart health education to the community people.
- To strengthen the community presentation.
- To carry out research and development activity for preventive health.
- To continue OPD/ IPD in different areas of health like-preventive , promotive and curative.
Goals & Objectives
General objectives:
- To maintain health of healthy people which further manages to keep community healthy by Shalya preventive and surgical knowledge.
- Students learn and deal with Sushruta Samhita, surgical Ayurveda and modern procedure details with practical in own hospital
- In this part students also learn about disposal of solid waste, school health services, epidemiology, non-communicable disease epidemiology, world health organization guidlines, international health agencies and national health programs.
Specific objectives
- Impart knowledge to society
- Will be able to translate knowledge to practice
- To provide hospital-based service like kshara sutra, agnikarma, jalaukaavcharan, marma therapy.
- Will be able to co-ordinate in different inter-departmental activities & also with different department in local as well as national level.
- Will be able to impart knowledge of Shalya tantra in community level.
- Will be able to enhance research work for improvement of health.
- Will be able to describe health for adolescents in school level & geriatric health in community level.
- Will be able to involve in individual counselling as well as group counselling.
- To improve the health of the communities including rural, underserved and global populations through education, research, outreach, service and creative partnerships.
- To provide community-based service, provide preventive services to the society in respect to communicable, non-communicable diseases, to know and involve in national health programme, understand and practice of Shalya tantra and celebration of Sushruta day of yoga.
- To explore kshara sutra, agnikarma, jalaukaavcharan, marma therapy in Hospital level.
Departmental Plans, Programs & Strategies:
- To provide academic and hospital-based services especially in curative surgical health care program focusing on lifestyle disorders listed by WHO.
- Co-ordination activity in association with government officials, N.G.O, I.N.G.O.
- Keep in continuation with student and community visit programs.
- Plans – Short term- National level recognition
- long term – to get engaged in national and international level activities
- To organise official yoga training
- To start short term course of Kshara Karma , Kshar Sutra, Agnikarma, Jalaukaavcharan, Marma therapy
Departmental Job Responsibilities:
- Teaching & learning activities
- Practical aspects in Surgical , curative and preventive health care
- To attract officials by educating them about occupational health hazards
Orientation Activities:
- Towards teachers, officials
- To community, leaders
Departmental Mechanism to combine Teaching and Research:
Contribution in Institutional Growth & Development
As everyone eyes are on Ayurveda now a days. Today’s day is stressful, full of anxiety and tensions. Most population are engaged in Desk work rather than field work. Desk work consume no energy but puts up extra calorie to body. Teenagers go through dieting and skip meals but most of them have habits of eating at night which is also termed as Night Snacking Syndrome. Which creates different common diseases like piles, fissure, fistula, kidney stone etc. All these factors and activities hamper normal functioning of body leading to lifestyle disorders. Hence, the department helps improving day to day activity of a person to community level which further make healthy community. Shalya Tantra department works as backbone for institution.